[Insights] Steps to build your AI Enterprise Strategy

series brings to the frontier of AI adoption for AI immigrant founders

Imagine you are a AI Chatbot/Agent B2B startup or you are developing AI adoption for a big enterprise. What steps should you take?
As a B2B AI Startup, major factors to consider in enterprise adoption:

- Education and understand business process
- Gather use cases
- Assessment and prioritization
- Implementation

Pitch AI to your audience empathetically

Sales is not about selling. It’s all about delivering the right message to people.

AI's the talk of the town, and if you're in tech, you're probably stoked about the future. But let's face it - not everyone's feeling the same buzz.

For folks outside the tech world, AI isn't just exciting - it can be downright scary😨. When companies start talking about AI in legal, finance, or operations, some people might hear "job-stealing robots" instead of "cool new tools."

So if you're pitching AI solutions, don't be shocked if you get some raised eyebrows or nervous looks. Remember, for many, AI isn't just new tech - it's a big, unknown change to their work life.

The key? Understanding these fears and showing how AI can be a helper, not a replacement. It's about bridging the gap between tech excitement and real-world worries.

🌟To convince your clients/users, we need to deliver our messages carefully to the correct audience.🌟

The Art of Storytelling
Image from Linkedin

✅ Find your champion in your audience who has the decision-making power

How does a business decide whether to invest in a new technology or not? Find the right person who can influence this process. Look for someone in the C-suite or on the leadership team who is interested and willing to take some risks to try new technology. Figure out the decision-making chain in your audience's business and how they have decided whether to pursue Project A or Project B in the past.

There might be multiple decision-makers involved in one project decision, so figure out their relationships (and politics as well, lol). This happened to my friend's AI startup: the AI adoption was approved by the VP of sales, but later on, the COO stopped it because he didn't want one department to implement its own AI adoption.

Once you find your champion, build a good relationship with them both professionally and personally. Understand why they want to adopt your technology and what their vision is for it. The business leader I worked with mentioned to us that:

“I want my team to not be terrified of AI, and I want to tell them to leverage AI to empower their work.”

Get the business leaders’ message, and you'll know what to pitch. Show how we can make their daily work easier, and you're speaking the leader’s language.

After we got this message, we expanded this sentence to a couple of slides and helped this leader deliver this message to his team.

✅ Demystifying the technology to your audience

If the champion approves and you start it as a pilot or test, that's great! The next step is to work with the internal operations team for process mining, who are on the front line of the business and know the business processes better than anybody else. These teams are the stakeholders of the most popular enterprise AI use cases in design tools, customer support, and internal operations.

When doing process mining, please: Don't be too rushed. Tell them the story first: How AI relates to them, in a good way.

I realize people feel threatened when they think about AI in this wave. Thus, before any adoption, the first step we took was:

Demystifying all the Buzzwords and demo them the use case to make their work easier.

For the first 3 months, I presented this graph to different operations teams, along with use cases exclusively related to their work, whether it was a chatbot to help them answer questions or an AI agent to automate part of their operational process. I made one version for each operations team, and now have at least 5 different versions of this deck.

Demystifying AI Fundamentals: A Beginner's Guide

After the presentation, every week I've heard operations people coming back to us with use cases off the top of their heads and asking how AI could help them.

[Insights] Steps to build your AI Enterprise Strategy

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