[B2B Insights] Enhancing Product-Market Fit Through Effective Customer Success Strategies

The [Insights] series aims to help immigrants founders navigate challenges in product development, business operations, and marketing, where immigrant builders face the greatest challenges.


One biggest challenges for immigrant founders is to build a successful customer success pipeline in B2B products.

In Startup -1 to 1 EP4, we interviewed Jacob White, employee 97 of CrowdStrike, a 70B valuation Cybersecurity company, grew the global customer success and support teams from their nascent stages into a robust organization that played a pivotal role in the company's journey through their 2019 IPO and beyond.

"I work with a lot of founders. They actually want to develop millions of features all into one product. And it's impossible for an early startup to do that."

[B2B Insights] Enhancing Product-Market Fit Through Effective Customer Success Strategies

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Jacob's insights provide a firsthand look at the high-stakes world of startups, particularly in the fiercely competitive tech sector. His experiences offer a blueprint for navigating the turbulent waters of startup growth, emphasizing the importance of focus and the need to prioritize customer success from day one. According to Jacob, many early-stage startups falter by overextending their feature set. They attempt to please potential customers with a plethora of options, which often dilutes the core value proposition and complicates the user experience.

Drawing from his extensive background, Jacob discusses the common misconception among founders who believe they can maintain direct control over all aspects of their business indefinitely. He pointed out, "But a lot of pitfalls that happen are they try to hold onto their little baby too long. And when problems occur, they jump in and then they overmind all the processes and all the people that they have underneath them... instead saying I'm the only one who's able to solve this problem." This hands-on approach, while beneficial in the earliest days, can become a barrier to scalability and can hinder the company's growth if not managed correctly.

For those interested in delving deeper into Jacob's interview and extracting more nuanced advice on customer success, startup strategy, and team management, we've organized the discussion into several detailed chapters. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of his professional journey and strategic insights, making it easier to find relevant advice for your specific needs.


  • The Startup Experience at CrowdStrike - "By the time we IPO'd in 2019, oh my god, we were, I want to say, around 150 people globally, maybe a little bit more, and we were onboarding easily 30 people a month."
  • Experiences and Startup Advisory - “…we had the privilege of pretty deep pockets during the growth stages, which is a nice thing."
  • Customer Success from the Ground Up in Even Early Startups - “…pivoting, how often is it too often?"